divendres, 4 de setembre del 2009

September Songs - Kurt Weill

Un CD joia... un CD bijou :

September Songs, The music of Kurt Weill

Lou Reed on September Songs (feu 1 clic / cliquez !):

September Song
Maxwell Anderson/Kurt Weill

Well, it's a long, long time
From May to December.
But the days grow short,
When you reach September.
And the autumn weather
Turns the leaves to gray
And I haven't got time
For the waiting game.

And the days dwindle down
To a precious few
September, November
And these few precious days
I spend with you.
These precious days
I spend with you.

Allez, à bientôt, fins molt aviat ! Muriel ( i gràcies Tere !!!)

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